Ferguson: Capitalizing on the Stupidity of the Conservative Voter
If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive. Alinsky’s Rule #10 American conservatives never really learn. They study their own past defeats and mistakes, they...
View ArticleHypocrisy Is the Worst Possible Policy
A lawfully constituted civil institution made its decision, in a lawful way, prescribed by the law books and by legal tradition. Most people in the community affected by the decision were unhappy with...
View ArticleWhen Preachers Sell Their Souls to Caesar
Browsing the Internet last week, I saw close to a hundred articles written by preachers, pastors, and churchian celebrities, condemning the Ferguson protests. Who knows how many more preachers used...
View ArticleIf You Thought Conservative Logic Made More Sense Than Liberal Logic
Remember this cartoon? It’s only a year and a half old. It was published on a conservative web-site, and re-published on Facebook and re-tweeted probably millions of times. Those stupid liberals, they...
View ArticleOf Krauts and Kings. And of Kurds
“The time has come,” the Walrus said, “To talk of many things: Of shoes—and ships—and sealing-wax— and cabbages—and kings—. . .” I won’t parrot the ecstatic gushes of the “conservative” media and...
View ArticlePreachers, Obama, and the Crusades: The Pot Calling the Kettle Black
The conservative public indignation about Obama’s statement of the Crusades, and the consequent public criticism from many preachers – including Franklin Graham – reminded me of two old jokes, from the...
View ArticleWhy Is Islam Taking Over Europe? Or, Is It?
When you read in the news about the Muslim takeover of Europe, consider the following before you take the bait: Sweden has 9.5 million population. At the most, 451,000 of them – close to 5% of the...
View ArticleBlame Your Theology, Not the Sodomites
I am sure I am not the only one living today who remembers how Hollywood movies of 30 years ago depicted sodomites. In dramas, they were usually dark characters, either outright criminal or, at the...
View ArticleWhen They Come for the Smaller Groups. . . .
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then...
View ArticleHow Far Back Are America’s Pastors Willing to Roll the Ball?
For anyone who has followed and understands the relationship between church leadership and civil government in the US in the last 50 years, declarations of American pastors pledging civil disobedience...
View ArticleWhat Does a Plant Look Like?
Mistress Mary, quite contrary, How does your garden grow? There were two kinds of plants back in Eastern Europe, before 1989. One kind was the quiet type. The informant. He would never distinguish...
View ArticleIt’s Time to Start Teaching Our Kids Disrespect To “Authority”
God certainly has a sense of humor. Or, rather, irony. Or, even more precise, devastating sarcasm for those who eagerly devote themselves to serve idols. That’s what He did with the Old Testament...
View ArticleThe Real Face of Creeping Shariah
You know what I am talking about. That ethical and judicial system that is so disgustingly perverse that in the case of rape blames the victim, and eventually punishes the victim. So an underage girl...
View ArticlePolitical Opportunism Doesn’t Fight Tyranny, It Perpetuates It
I’m sorry I need to burst this bubble, but the Republican governors’ “rebellion” against Obama’s refugee resettlement plan is not an application of the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate. Yes, I know,...
View ArticleQuoting the Immigration Law of 1952 Is a Bad Idea for Conservatives
The new low of conservative schizophrenia, of course, was using Jimmy Carter’s immoral executive actions against Iranians in the US as an excuse and even legitimization of Trump’s statement that we...
View ArticleThe Real Culture of Rape in Europe Didn’t Start with the Immigrants
When two years ago a Texas father beat his daughter’s rapist to death, no one in Texas had any doubts as to what the decision of the Grand Jury would be. The law in Texas not only allows but...
View ArticleDear Soldiers, Don’t Listen to Warmongers
Neo-conservative warmongers like Allen West, or John McCain, or National Review’s David French must be quite desperate for attention these days, trying to grasp at everything in their sight to support...
View ArticleWe Have Lost Sense of Justice, And We Blame Others for It
Two months ago I pointed to an aspect of Shariah that has crept into our communities, and we have accepted it without question, and we don’t even stop to consider its destructive nature. The case was...
View ArticleDonald Trump and the Death of Evangelical Pessimillennialism
“When I get elected president, . . . Christianity will have power.” These were Donald Trump’s words to his evangelical supporters this last Saturday, in his speech at the Dordt College rally in Sioux...
View ArticleHSLDA in the Business of Fixing Broken Windows
My thesis in this article is simple: When it comes to analyzing Ted Cruz’s proposal for Federal policies that would supposedly “eliminate the discrimination against homeschoolers,” HSLDA is the most...
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